Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Game....

EDIT 8:36 am, Thursday: The following post is now completely pointless, given that I recieved a text message from Gray at the arsehole of the morning today. However, I'm keeping it. Read it if you like, or don't.


So I have more or less decided that this time, with this boy, I am going to try and play The Waiting Game. (IE Not message him, and wait for him to message me.)

I know I already kinda had, with the waiting for him to message me, but up til now I had previously been like 'Well yeah, that's a nice idea but I'll probably crack soon.' and had just accepted that as a given.

So now (unless somebody talks me out of it) I am just going to be good and sit tight until he messages me. Apparently this 'playing hard to get' drives boys crazy- and lordy do I want this boy to be crazy about me, cause then maybe he will be a little bit more considerate. (Hmm, there's some faulty logic I don't want to examine too closely.)

I have been informed by a source (a boy, of course) that I can expect to wait up to about a week and a half. This thought is a little scary- I'm not sure I can last that long! And surely if he takes that long to message it means he doesn't like me? I don't really like these games, but given that my previous strategies with boys I've liked haven't worked, I'm willing to try something new.

However it's pretty hard to have this kind of security- I guess the idea is to not care whether he messages me or not, but that seems impossible. Regardless of how unsure I am about whether he is 'boyfriend material' or whatever, I am pretty unlikely to just stop caring about whether he likes me! I can't really keep myself busy either, because I am poor beyond all recognition. (PBAR!)

Oh well. Wish me luck kiddies. Any advice on how to maintain this?


1 comment:

i said...

see :) you didn't even need us to wish you luck ;)

but good luck anyways!!! :)
