Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In other news...

I had my phone appointment with Centrelink this morning, and actually got a nice, helpful Centrelink person on the phone. (I know, I'm surprised too!)

I had an awesome dream about cakes. Lovely cakes. Oooh I love a bit o' cake. (Actually I generally don't, but I couldn't resist the quote.)

I am getting a cold. This infuriates me, I only hope that it's not the cold one of my friends has, which has been around for weeks. I had a cold for six weeks just before I broke up with the ex, that was BAD ENOUGH. No more this year ok?

Lots of gigs on this weekend- I only hope I am not too poor to go to them all.

Also, I was infuriated to discover, when I got my playstation out ready for a mind-numbing holiday filled with Playstation, that my Final Fantasy 7 discs are GONE. I was well pissed- I loaned my Playstation to my step brother, I can only imagine that's where they are- along with my dual shock controller and my memory card. (Although I have a new memory card now, so that bit's okay.)

Okay, pointless update of blog- done.

Back to the crossword.


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