Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fun with pharmaceuticals....

Afternoonish, Boyfriend's Kitchen:

Boyfriend: Do you want a chocolate muffin?
Boyfriend: Oh, actually...I don't think it's a good idea that you have one.
Me: *disgusted muffin crazed glare* WHY?
Boyfriend: Well... when I made them we kinda ran out of regular butter. So I had to use the Green butter instead. So they're special muffins.
Me: *hysterical laughter*

Also, we attempted drugged zombie sex- I took a Dolased for my headache (first foray into the world of sedative + painkiller!) and zonked out while still awake from about eight thirty. We went to bed, he took a Stillnox (sleeping tablet) and we chatted for about half an hour, and then I decided (naturally) that I wanted sex. But it was less sex, and more zombies crashing body parts into one another- think all those zombie movies when there are just TOO MANY in one room. We were TOO MANY for one bed. Or something. We ultimately failed at sex, but were un-phased and relatively content to roll over and pass out.



Steph said...

Lol, I'm suprised that sex was even errrr, possible. He must be one virile young man!!

n said...

LOL Well, he is I suppose... stamina coming out the wazoo. Also v. determined. He'd have to be to go out with me!