Friday, February 09, 2007

Travelogging plus....

So tommorrow I jet (well, actually boat) off to the South Island, for a whirlwind tour. Seven days of whirlwind, to be precise. This whirlwindyness is a result of the rail pass I bought only lasting seven days. Which is major sucko, and now I only get to spend an afternoon and night in Kaikoura, not a full day. Oh well.

I am super emo today, it's predictably shithouse- just been stressing about various things, and by various things I mean 'nitpicking at my relationship with the boy'. Today's nitpick, the tone of the email he sent me, which I thought was too 'matey' and not 'girlfriendy' enough. Even though previously I have said I don't like that 'sappy shit' and have freaked out when emotions get too emotiony on me. So wrap your head around that one, if you please. I think it has something to do with the title of this blog, non?

I'm blaming the emo on having a few drinks last night, even though it was only two premixes. I seem to be over sensitive to alcohol and this is making me seriously consider just not drinking anymore. My life was perfectly entertaining for 18 years without booze, I can do it, surely? I don't know, I just seem to get so down after I drink, it doesn't always seem worth it, no matter how fun the giddy happy buzz of being drunk is.

Speaking of emos, this town doesn't have any. Which is not so surprising, it is a one shopping centre town. But it is still a shock to the system that most young people here dress normally. I know, startling stuff!

Anyway, I am going to stop haunting the internet in search of cheeriness now.

Ciao kids.


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