Saturday, March 24, 2007

...and again....

So I broke up with the boy again. *sigh* Having doubts right now, of course, just trying to ignore them. I hope I made the right choice.



Pablo said...

So, single again eh? :P

I recommend alcohol as your primary caregiver during the immediate post-breakup period. Or would, except for some reason you never take my perfectly valid wantonly self-destructive advice... so instead, I recommend the power of positive thinking. Or would, if I were in fact qualified to recommend things.

In fact, no recommendations... her if you want to talk though.

londongirl said...

Sigh indeed.

Keep yourself busy. Or in the pub. Hopefully it'll all come good.

Steph said...

Well that's pretty fucked.
Keep yourself busy and let your friends take care of you. Tim Tams and Vodka works for me.

Cath said...

Sympathies... be strong. We are all thinking of you.