Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hey guess what!

I still haven't had sex with the ex. Aren't I good? I want cookies for this, bitches! I have nearly killed him at several points (or encouraged him to kill himself, you know) but haven't -actually- done so.

Did I mention I live with him now?

Yeah, I know, stupidest idea ever. I am in NZ at the moment but I am looking to move out of his place at the soonest available opportunity. I haven't been blogging since I moved in because I know he will snoop around to find this blog. (He is a hardcore nerd.) But yeah, things are okay. Except that after the last argument I impressively stormed out of the country, instead of just out of the house. (Thanks, Mastercard.)

I am also currently unemployed, making my flagrant Mastercard abuse very stupid but there you go.

New Zealand is lovely, the weather is lovely (I hear Brisbane is drowning, which is bad) and I'm having a nice argument-free time at my grandparents, staying up late to torture certain boys on the internet. Actually just one. *waves*

That's all for now, just letting you (my non-existent readers) know that I am still alive.

Ciao kiddies,


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