Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A wander down memory lane...

So tonight I went out for cake at Freestyle with a former potential fuckbuddy. Yes, you read that right. I met him in October after breaking up with the ex for the first time, he's pretty hot, has a lovely AFL body and most excellent stomach, is fun enough, plus he plays guitar in a band, which I love, cause I adore talented guys. Anyway, I was hoping to maybe resume our little casual thing, but alas I got turned down- he is dating someone and likes her, which is fair enough.

Still frustrating though- I want sex, with someone I have good chemistry with! At the moment those options are AFL boy or Gray, and neither is particularly likely. Finding someone new with good chemistry is so hard. AFL's chemistry was good, but Gray's was electric...I tell you, just sucking on his finger sent shivers down my spine.

Hmm, that's all.



i said...

wierd! :P
i was there last night too! sometime between 9 and 10 :)

unfortunate about the girl though!


n said...

Oh, how freaky, I was there at the same time! Bloggers crossing paths!

That place is so like that though- I ran into my best mate there as well!


londongirl said...

Absolutely - so hard to find chemistry. Lots of nice men around - it's not enough though is it?

Steph said...

Well spill!!! I came here for the sexin and you give me nothin!!!

Cath said...

Oh I understand... I am currently talking lots with an ex who is a potentially good fuck-buddy. He is all eager - and I am the one hesitating - damn girly emotions about the last ex still prevent me from jumping him! Until I am ready, perhaps I could pass his number

n said...

londongirl- Yeah, you're right, definitely not enough to be just nice. As my counselor said, you can't expect yourself to love somebody just because they are 'nice'!

steph- ask and ye shall recieve!

cath- Heehe, thanks, but I think I might have it sorted now...
