Monday, May 07, 2007

Okay, proper adventures for your delectation... (not even sure if that is a word, but oh well!)

So Steph demanded that I post about the sexing, so naturally I went out and got the sexing. Just so she would have something to read. *Grin*

A number of adventures to report from the weekend.

Friday: Hmm, is it sad that I am struggling to remember? Oh yes, now I remember. Went out bowling with some friends, then convinced them to go to the RE. I got kicked out of the RE! Anyone who lives in Brisbane will understand how cool that is- it's bloody hard to get kicked out of there, and I wasn't even pissed! I just fell over my own feet and the bouncer was like 'Right, time for you to go!" Bah. Met a boy though, and had lovely makeouts with him. Came home, threw up, attempted to read Harry Potter whilst intoxicated, failed dismally, went to sleep.

Saturday: Had a date with the mad boy. Yep, still mad, less attractive now. I think my inner biology detects the madness and says 'No, must not procreate with mad people...would engender a race of mental freaks!"

Sunday: Attempted to go to the Caxton Street Seafood Festival to get hammered and see AFL boy's band play, but when we got there the queue wasn't moving, and when I whinged about it to the boy from Friday night he said it was because they weren't selling tickets anymore, due to the festival being too packed. So we gave up on that idea, went to City Backpackers and sat on the balcony drinking and watching the sun set. My friends were making people kiss other people, which was all very highschool, but funny anyway. Was texting the boy from Friday night... let's call him Stripes, and getting a bit annoyed about slow replies, but persisting. Went to the RE asked him if he was still there, and his reply, was, and I quote 'Yeah'. This, predictably, went down like a lead fucking elephant. I was feeling irrationally bummed about being ditched, and was totally not in the mood to pick up somebody else.

Luckily he got in contact, and it turns out he was really hammered, so relatively incapable of responding to messages properly, which was an excuse I accepted readily enough.

So we hung out, I had a touch of grass-is-greenerism because there was this totally hot guy around also, but I recovered, and had a lovely time being pinned to the bar rather intensely by Stripes, which was lovely. We made out, and the chemistry was excellent, he's a little bit rough which is what I like, he was determinedly trying to convince me to take him home, I was umming and aahing as usual, but eventually I was swayed. And aren't I glad I was!

We didn't have sex, but we did lots of other things and boy was he good at them. He raided my toy cabinet though, I warned him not to, but I could see him getting increasingly freaked out as he pulled more and more interesting things out, tee hee, it was funny. (Iif a little worrying, cause I kind of hope to fool around with him again.)

So now we arrive at today, where the guy from work who I like has asked me out for coffee after work tommorrow, and I have a freaking hickey! Stupid Stripes! Luckily not too huge a hickey, so I will just borrow some foundation off my housemate and cross my fingers!

Still slightly concerned that work guy is gay- he has a lot of female friends, just spend 400 bucks on clothes, and likes Pride and Predjudice!

Wish me luck kiddies,



Steph said...

He got into the toy drawer and not into your drawers?? Lol, well done.

P.S work boy is definately gay.

n said...

LOL Well, we fooled around, but no actual sex. Yes, I am a mean girl.

And work boy seems to be not gay, but I think I've gone off him. Oh well...

londongirl said...

a man who likes Pride and Prejudice. Humn. You sure he's not gay?

And a hickey... brilliant. Haven't had one of those for YEARS.