once had to spell that in a spelling bee when I was young. I came second, because I got it wrong and the other kid's word was 'leopard'. I know, I WAS ROBBED. Anyway, this post has a point, and here it is.
My confidence/security that yes, Gray does in fact like me is now vacillating- I texted to ask where/when the second date would be at 8pm Wednesday night (after he told me he'd be keen for another one) and I still haven't had a response. That's more than 24 hours people! I am not feeling the love! (lust/like, whatever)
Yes yes, I know, make allowances for him working at a bar, he was probably at work when I texted, and then recovering from work (read: sleeping), but still. Text messages make people have no manners, and it's bad for my poor little ego.
In other news, I had an awesome James Bond style dream where I was a sexy bird running around in high heels (I can't walk in heels, let alone run) and a red dress, saving my friends and the world from impending doom. Hot!
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