Tuesday, November 21, 2006

TV Based Idiocy

Today, on Today Tonight: Tests unfairly advantage children who are BETTER PREPARED for them through tutoring. *cue shock and horror*

Tommorrow, on Current Affair: Icebergs are big. And pretty. And cold.




Natalie said...

Yeah, I know. I almost spat my cornflakes everywhere and said 'strewth' at seeing that.

No really.

I'd like to know why they were just showing promos with asian kids at those places. I bet they are going to do a story on asian prodigies and how their parents are no better than sweatshop slave drivers.

So sad.

I bet all those bogan parents are going to get really outraged like their kids were going to 'those schools' anyway.


BTW (I went to a state school and turned out relatively fine)

sorry for the long comment!

n said...

I know... it's such a crock of shit, these shows. I don't know why I put myself through the aggravation of watching them, except it's like a car wreck, I can't look away!
